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A close up of a ladies mouth with dry lips and teeth showing

Dry mouth is a condition that affects up to 1 in 4 adults in the UK.

Dry mouth (otherwise known as xerostomia) is the condition of not producing enough saliva. Everyone experiences a dry mouth occasionally - especially at times of stress, upset or when nervous. However, for some, it is a regular or constant experience which could be due to a range of different causes.

Saliva plays several important roles when it comes to keeping our mouths healthy. In addition to its role in digestion, saliva helps to cleanse the oral cavity, facilitate oral processing and swallowing of food, maintain a neutral pH, and prevent tooth decay.

Dry mouth can be a long-term condition, leaving sufferers feeling frustrated and mentally exhausted from coping with the symptoms. Over 1 in 5 of the sufferers surveyed in our 2024 Oralieve Dry Mouth Survey have experienced symptoms for 7 or more years, whilst a further 1 in 5 have displayed symptoms for less than 12 months, suggesting that the number of new sufferers reporting symptoms is not subsiding.

What are the signs of dry mouth to look out for?

Having a dry mouth can impact many aspects of normal life. Experiencing symptoms may make your everyday uncomfortable, but there are things you can do to relieve these dry mouth symptoms, which is where Oralieve can help. It is important to notice these signs to reduce the further impact some may have on our oral health. Read more here.

